Educational Model

White cross on a gold circular background

Faith: Our Catholic faith calls us to respect the life and dignity of our students and stand in solidarity with all people. Our faith grounds us in ensuring that all students have access to an excellent education. Students engage in religious education and Sacramental Preparation and attend weekly Mass.

White house icon on gold circle background

Family: We build relationships to strengthen our St. Anthony Familia, tying our school, parish, and community together.  We serve to connect families to educational, health, and community resources.  We seek to build relationships and community through assemblies, advisory, and service.  ​

Graduation cap icon on golden background

Forward: We center what is best for students in our decision-making. We acknowledge the gaps in educational opportunity caused by inequity but are not deterred by them. From ages 2 to 18, we work to provide students with an education that prepares them for success after high school. 

Core Values of A St. Anthony Graduate

White cross on a gold circle background

person of faith, grounded in the beliefs and traditions of the Catholic Church. 

White house icon on beige background

responsible member of the community, engaging the world by making a positive contribution to society.  

Graduation cap icon on a gold circular background.

life-long learner, understanding that learning is not a method but an approach to living.

White speech bubble icon on a gold background

An effective communicator, articulating thoughts and ideas to a broad and diverse community