Upper Elementary School

3rd-5th Grade


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St. Anthony School students receive high-quality instruction aligned to the Common Core State Standards. Our educators use data to guide their teaching approach and deliver a personalized educational experience to every student.

Open book icon on a gold circular background


Great Minds: Wit & Wisdom®
Wit & Wisdom® is a comprehensive K–8 English language arts curriculum crafted to help students build the knowledge and skills they need to be successful readers, exceptional writers, and effective communicators.

Mathematical symbols on a beige circle background


Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics encourages students to actively engage with math by using their knowledge and surroundings as resources.

Icon of an Erlenmeyer flask in white on a gold background


Next Generation Science Standards
Grade-level instruction in Physical Science, Life Science, Earth and Space Science, and Engineering Design is developed following the NGSS K-12 science content standards.

White globe icon on a tan background

Social Studies

Wisconsin Standards for Social Studies
Grade-level instruction in Inquiry Practices and Processes, Behavioral Sciences, Economics, Geography, History, and Political science is developed following the Wisconsin Standards for Social Studies.

Faith Formation

St. Anthony School forms the whole child in preparation for college and Heaven. Our Catholic identity informs everything we do in every classroom. St. Anthony School students worship through daily prayer, weekly Mass, and religious education.

White cross on a gold circle background


Loyola Press: Finding God
Our religious education curriculum is rooted in Scripture, Catholic doctrine, and Ignatian spirituality.

Icon of religious chalice with cross, beige background

Sacramental Preparation

Students participate in Reconciliation (also known as Confession or Penance) during the liturgical seasons of Advent and Lent.

Extra-Curricular Activities

Missionaries of St. Michael


White compass icon on a gold circle background
Intricate white floral mandala design on a beige background.

Scouts Program

Mexican Folk Dance

Icon of two hands holding a heart in a beige circle.
Illustration of a paint palette and brush in a circle
Musical note icon on a brown circle background.

Crafting Club

Guitar Classes

St. Anthony Upper Elementary School

1747 S. 9th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53204

(414) 384-1730