Choice Program
Annual Re-Enrollment

Families must renew their Milwaukee Parental Choice Program online application each year by following the steps below or making an appointment with our admissions department.

Guiding You Every Step of the Way

St. Anthony School’s Admissions Team is here to answer your questions, arrange school tours, and assist with enrollment.
Let us help make your journey to St. Anthony School smooth and stress-free.

Step 3: Submit Proof of Address

Prepare one of the following documents:

  1. Wage statement (i.e., paycheck stub) or Form W2 Wage and Tax Statement.

  2. Water, sewer, gas, electric, cable, satellite, or landline phone bill.

    1. Cell phone bills are not accepted.

  3. Letter from the water, sewer, gas, electric, cable, satellite, or landline phone utility regarding services at the address on the Choice application.

  4. Signed and dated lease agreement with a lease term that includes the date the parent applies to the school in the name of one of the parents at the address on the application.

  5. Governmental correspondence (i.e., property tax bill, Supplemental Security Income, Wisconsin Works Cash Benefits, “TANF,” FoodShare, USPS Letter, or Housing Assistance Letter).

  6. A letter on organizational letterhead from an organization providing services for homeless individuals indicating that the family lived there during the required period.

  7. Alternative Residency Verification Form

  8. Safe at Home Card

Submit Document

  • Text a Photo
    Text a photo of your Allowed Residency Document (Proof of Address) to (414) 559-0340 or (414) 559-1591.


  • Send an Email
    Email your Allowed Residency Document (Proof of Address) to


  • Deliver In-Person
    Please call our admissions office at (414) 837-3300 to schedule an appointment.


1644 S. 9th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53204

(414) 837-3300